An introduction to heterogeneous treatment effects using the two-stage DID estimator of Gardner (2021)
The book provides a succinct review of the recent club convergence literature, a comparative view of developed and developing countries, and a tutorial on how to implement the club convergence framework in Stata and R.
An introduction to difference in differences with multiple time periods and staggered treatment adoption.
An introduction to difference in differences with multiple time periods and staggered treatment adoption.
An introduction to the Solow growth model and its convergence prediction
Theresa Graefe (Ulm University) has created a very nice RTutor that allows you to replicate the main results of a recent AEJ paper on the causal effects of a CO2 tax in Sweden using the syntetic control method.
An introduction to the basic differences in differences method using the classical incenerator example of Kiel and McClain (1995)
This method constructs a synthetic control unit as a weighted average of available control units that best approximate the relevant characteristics of the treated unit prior to treatment.
What is the relation between internet usage and democracy?